Each week, the members of our congregation come into God’s house to worship Him and to receive the blessings He has for us. We serve an awesome God. If you don’t know Him, we would love to introduce you. We will never try to force our God on you. But, we are sure that once you have come to know Him, you will love Him and want to serve Him, too.

You are always welcome to join us during services and gatherings. We would love to get to know you and for you to get to know us. If you don’t have a church family, you are welcome to join ours.

If you are looking for the perfect church with perfect people, this is the wrong place for you. But, if you’re looking for a Spirit-filled group of people committed to serving God and serving others the best they can, then maybe this is the right place for you! Pay us a visit. All it will cost is your time. But, think about what you could gain.

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