We at the Church of God of Prophecy have a very active ministry for our children and our youth. The bible says to "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverb:22:6) And, we believe very strongly in this.

Sunday school classes are available beginning with children at the age of 2 years. Each class is full of interactive activities that will help the kids to learn about Jesus in ways that will stick with them.

Nursery class is available during the sermon and altar time for babies & toddlers from newborns to 3 years.

Children’s Church is available during the sermon and altar service for children ages 3-12. Each month there is something different going on back in Children’s Church. One month the kids learn about Jesus through interactive learning. The next month there is learning about Jesus through games & crafts. The next month the kids learn songs, drama's and praise dances to perform at the quarterly C.H.I.P. services.

Bible Memory Club meets every Wednesday night at 7:00 pm. Children age 2-10 earn tokens for every Bible verse they recite and then spend the tokens for prizes in our Shopping Center. We learn Bible history as well as everyday life lessons through crafts, games, Bible character role-play, and even snacks. We have completed several service projects including raising funds for a beautiful glass pulpit for our church sanctuary and making handmade cards for soldiers in Iraq. Periodically we have “field trips” including a fall trip to the “Pumpkin Patch” where we take a hayride, pick pumpkins, paint pumpkins, play games, picnic, and roast marshmallows. Also, in the summer we have a “Camp-in” where we cookout, roast hotdogs, watch movies, spend the night, swim, and play games. It’s a really cool club and all children 10 and under can come be a part of the fun.

“Crossfire” Youth is for kids ages 11-14. Not only do they have a Wednesday night bible study class, they go on outings, attend conferences and concerts, and perform dramas and skits.

“Consumed” Youth is for teens and young adults ages 15-22. They have a bible study on Wednesday nights as well as lead our Y.E.S. Services, go on outings, to conferences and concerts, and perform dramas and skits. They minister to the patients in the children’s hospital at Christmas and take on “helping hands” projects for our Senior Adults. This is an awesome group of young people.

We are very proud of ALL of young people. They have a tremendous amount of love for the Lord and they show it. And, we at the Church of God of Prophecy, know how important it is that we train up our children in the way they should go.


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