Please pray for Connor Stults. Connor has a problem with the main valve in his heart. He had another episode with his heart at school today (the 2nd since Saturday). Connor goes to see his pediatrician tomorrow morning and maybe on for tests. Connor believes that God is going to heal him. Please believe that with him.

UPDATE: Connor will see his cardiologist on Dec 15th. His pediatrician is trying to schedule an MRI of Connor's brain stem to rule out "Chiari Malformation" (which is what his mom has had two surgeries for). This can be hereditary. Please pray that God will heal Connor without any invasive procedures. To God be the glory!

UPDATE: Connor goes Tuesday, Dec 12, for an MRI of his brain and spine to rule out Chiari Malformation. He goes Friday, Dec 15, to see the cardiologist. Pray that God will prove himself once again.

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