Yahweh Sisterhood Christmas Party

We had a blast at the Women's Christmas Party last night. This was the best turn-out we've ever had. There was lots of great food, especially the desserts. Lisa Stidham did a great job as hostess and with her devotion. Halie Lacey sang a beautiful song by New Song. Then Hailie and Healther Johnson sang "The Greatest Story Ever Told" written by Hailie Lacey. It was awsome! Our Dirty Santa game got pretty dirty. Some of the women began to team up to get the gifts that they wanted. Sister Jean got her excersize in, trying to find gifts to replace the ones everybody kept taking from her. She even sang "Jingle Bells" for us when whe opened a bell-filled Christmas tree. Even though the song was great, she didn't get to keep the tree. Angie Wellington corhersed Renee Sutton into giving up her gift by pouring icewater down the back of her shirt.

Everyone enjoyed the food, fun, & fellowship. Thank you to all who helped by decorating, bringing the food and drinks, cleaning up afterwards, and for just being there to share this time with your sisters. We missed those of you who couldn't join us. We hope that you will join us next time. May God bless each every one of you!

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