My name is Crystal Huggins. I am married to Jason Huggins. We have been married for 3 years. I have two wonderful children. Collin Blake McLemore age 10 and Rebecca Gail Huggins who is 5 months old. I am currently able, with God’s help to be a stay at home mother. I love every minute of it.

I was born Crystal Gail McLemore, September 16, 1977 at Haleyville Hospital. My mother is Evelyn McLemore of Hackleburg. She is my inspiration to be a good mother. I have watched my mother sacrifice so many things over the years for her three daughters. It amazes me how she can love so unselfishly. She didn’t attend church with me as a child very often. But she always made sure I had a way there. She taught me many things about the Lord, even without living for him. There were many times as a child that she provided for us when the money didn’t seem to be enough. But she paid her tithes and the money seemed to keep going to make enough. In the last few years I have seen her growing to be a wonderful servant of the Lord.

My father is Edward McLemore. He lives in Sikeston, MO. Growing up I didn’t see my dad a lot. He and my mother separated when I was five. He always stated he loved me but just seemed to not understand it takes more than words to let someone know you love them. He caused a lot of pain for my family. It has taken a long time for me to say that I have forgiven him. God is working with me daily for me to get over the hurts of so long ago. Dad is currently in church and is a very changed person than when I was growing up. He is trying hard to be there for my sisters and me through doing things for our children. I praise God for the changes he has made in my dad.

I have two wonderful sisters. Lisa Stidham and Angie Wellington. Although I don’t tell them often enough, I love them so very much. Greg Stidham and Billy Wellington are my brother-in-laws. I have two nieces on my side Katie Wellington and Bailey Stidham. This is my family. Without their love and support I would not be the person I am today. Their prayers and love help me find my way to the Lord.

The first six years of my life I lived in Missouri. To have my sisters say, I was a spoiled brat. I was everyone’s baby. I knew I was loved. Everything changed when infidelity destroyed my family. During the process of trying to work things out mom and dad moved us to Florida. I don’t remember a lot, just that I hated it there. Dad left us there and moved back to Missouri. By the grace of God, we eventually got to leave also. We didn’t head back to Missouri. We came to Hackleburg, Alabama. God knew, even though we didn’t see it at the time, exactly where we needed to be.

Mother struggled to raise three girls alone. She gave up many things to see us girls have what we need. I don’t remember getting many things I wanted. But we always had what we needed. I was still very loved.

I graduated for Hackleburg in 1995. I graduated with great honors. My mother was there for it all. So were my sisters.

I wasn’t in church and wasn’t living a life I was very proud of. At the age of 18 if found out I was pregnant. I think it was the most terrifying feeling I have ever had. I didn’t know for sure what I was going to do. I know without a doubt I was keeping the baby. But that is all I knew at the time. I couldn’t stay at home so I just drove. I ended up at the church. My sisters where there. I had to tell them. It was the hardest night of my life. Besides my sisters there where others who blessed me that night. Tina Raper gave me strength with the words she said to me. Cynthia Stidham was also a blessing that night. It was the hardest night of my life. I felt like I had let everyone down. I had disappointed so many people.

Through everything I still knew I was loved. Looking back on that night it is kind of ironic that the thing that everyone that was awful turned out to be the most loved little boy ever. God still knew what He was doing. I gave birth to Collin Blake McLemore November 23, 1996. He is truly a gift from God. God started working on me the night I showed up at church to let everyone know about Collin. He continued to work on my through Collin. He knew what it would take to get me to find Him. That was Collin.

There were many ups and downs. There was a lot of turning back. But God didn’t give up on me. He still hasn’t.

After Collin was born it still took a while to surrender to God. I dated which always ended up with heartache. Until July 2003. That was when I meet the man that God had for me. Jason Huggins. A year later on August 27, 2004 we were married. God not only sent me a husband, but he sent Collin a daddy. He answered both our prayers. We were recently blessed with a baby girl, Rebecca Gail Huggins. And she is loved.

There are so many things that I thank God for in my life. I could never thank him enough for the love that I have had. I am rich, not with money, but with love. I have a loving family who is beside me not matter what the situation is. Plus, I have my church family. I am so very blessed with people who not only love, but also know how to show love. Thank you all for your prayers.
I pray for God’s blessings on all that has read this.

Crystal Huggins

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is also Crystal Huggins. I was playing around on the computer and your post came up. I was very inspired by your story. Thank you for allowing me to read it! I can give you my email address if you would like to correspond with me. God bless you and your family.
Crystal Huggins, NC