We had a wonderful time at this month's Yahweh Sisterhood meeting. There were 17 terrific women in attendance. We had delicious food as you can see my favorite part in one of the pictures below (the dessert table). Sister Cynthia Stidham presented a devotion that was a true blessing.

We also discussed ordering t-shirts and contact cards for our Ministry; we talked about having a booth at Neighbor Day; and, we discussed other planning matters.

The best part of the meeting was our sharing and prayer time. Each one of us shared our three most important prayer requests as we connected to each other via a ball of string. We then went the Father in prayer for every one of those needs. This was such a sweet and touching time as we shared from the depths of our hearts with each other and with Jesus as he interceeded between us and God.

I want to say a special thanks to Angela Fincher who was a great help in getting prepared for the meeting; special thanks to Sister Cynthia for the devotion, game and the t-shirt design. And, thanks to those who joined in at this meeting. It was such a blessing to me; and I hope it was to all of you. For those of you who could not be at this meeting, I pray that you will be at the meeting in March.

Love and Prayers,

Tina Stults, Director
Yahweh Sisterhood Women's Ministry

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