Please help me pray for my friend Carol Howell and her husband Dan. Lastnight their youngest son committed suicide. We are all just devastatedover this. Carol has had a really hard week physically (they wanted to domore chemo to make sure there wasn't any more cancer cells around where thetumor had been), and she has been feeling really bad since last Saturday.I can't even imagine the anguish they are going through now, but I do knowthe only thing that will get them through this is the prayers of theirfamily, friends and fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord. Please keepthem in prayer, not just this in this present time, but in the weeks andmonths ahead. Only the Lord can help them through this awful time.

FYI to those who may not know, Dan is the V.O.S. producer, and the familyattends Keith Street CoGoP. Please pray for this family!

Thank you so much,

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