1st Sunday Dinner - On the 1st Sunday of each month, we all bring food and stay for dinner immediately following the morning service. This is a time we take just to fellowship with each other.

Fellowship Group Meetings - Our church meets monthly in the homes of our church family. These monthly meetings are directed by a care Pastor for each group. These times focus on sharing, caring and praying for the needs of those in each group. This ministry models the New Testament pattern of maturing in Christ. The "home meetings" are informal and uplifting for all who attend.

Men’s Ministry - On the 2nd Saturday of each month, our men meet at 8:00 am in the dining hall for our Men’s Brotherhood Prayer Breakfast. Of course, there is fun, good food and fellowship, but we also study the Word, share needs and come together in prayer.

Our men also get together at various times in the year to go bowling, golfing, or on some other outing.

In May of each year, our men travel to Camp Boothe in Green Pond, AL for the Alabama Church of God of Prophecy Men’s Retreat. This is a wonderful trip where we spend time in fellowship, have a nice banquet, then enjoy an awesome time in God’s presence Friday evening in worship and the following Saturday morning in service.

“Yahweh Sisterhood” Women’s Ministry - Our ladies meet one evening each month to have fellowship, snacks and fun time. We share our prayer needs, our trials, our testimonies, and our praise reports. We then put our focus on God through devotion. Some meetings include an in-depth study of the Word; all include a wonderful time of prayer. Each time we pour our hearts out, we grow closer to God and closer to each other.

Our Women’s Ministry plans many of the monthly and annual events and fundraisers, as well as other projects that bless not only our ladies, but the entire church. We are planning future events to benefit others in our community.

In May of each year, our ladies travel to Camp Boothe for Ladies Retreat. Some of the ladies go down early for shopping and eating out. They attend the banquet, then the awesome worship service, and a dessert party afterwards. We encourage all women (not just those belonging to our church) to attend this event. For more information, please contact us at or visit the Camp Boothe website at

We encourage all women of our community (who don’t attend church regularly elsewhere) to visit us at one of regular church services, one of our monthly meetings or other events. We believe you will find a group of ladies who will welcome you, offer you friendship, and do our best to show you the love of Christ.

(Y.E.S.) SERVICE - On the 3rd Sunday night of each month, our Youth lead us in a Youth Explosion Sunday (Y.E.S.) service. We gather for worship. Our youth, “Consumed” & “Crossfire,” minister in song, with special speakers and through dramas and skits. These young folks are very talented, but more importantly, they are anointed by God. This service is always a blessing. Afterwards, we join in the dining hall for snacks and fellowship.

QUARTERLY C.H.I.P SERVICE: On the last Sunday of the quarter, we have our Children’s Hip Inspirational Program (CHIP). Our children conduct the entire service by opening with prayer, leading worship, drama, dance, puppets, and the sermon.The presentation of our “CHIP Kids of the Month” is made at each service. Members of our congregation anonymously nominate children from our church who have been extraordinary role models to their peers and exemplified leadership and a Christ-like spirit. This is a great honor for great kids.



We at the Church of God of Prophecy have a very active ministry for our children and our youth. The bible says to "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverb:22:6) And, we believe very strongly in this.

Sunday school classes are available beginning with children at the age of 2 years. Each class is full of interactive activities that will help the kids to learn about Jesus in ways that will stick with them.

Nursery class is available during the sermon and altar time for babies & toddlers from newborns to 3 years.

Children’s Church is available during the sermon and altar service for children ages 3-12. Each month there is something different going on back in Children’s Church. One month the kids learn about Jesus through interactive learning. The next month there is learning about Jesus through games & crafts. The next month the kids learn songs, drama's and praise dances to perform at the quarterly C.H.I.P. services.

Bible Memory Club meets every Wednesday night at 7:00 pm. Children age 2-10 earn tokens for every Bible verse they recite and then spend the tokens for prizes in our Shopping Center. We learn Bible history as well as everyday life lessons through crafts, games, Bible character role-play, and even snacks. We have completed several service projects including raising funds for a beautiful glass pulpit for our church sanctuary and making handmade cards for soldiers in Iraq. Periodically we have “field trips” including a fall trip to the “Pumpkin Patch” where we take a hayride, pick pumpkins, paint pumpkins, play games, picnic, and roast marshmallows. Also, in the summer we have a “Camp-in” where we cookout, roast hotdogs, watch movies, spend the night, swim, and play games. It’s a really cool club and all children 10 and under can come be a part of the fun.

“Crossfire” Youth is for kids ages 11-14. Not only do they have a Wednesday night bible study class, they go on outings, attend conferences and concerts, and perform dramas and skits.

“Consumed” Youth is for teens and young adults ages 15-22. They have a bible study on Wednesday nights as well as lead our Y.E.S. Services, go on outings, to conferences and concerts, and perform dramas and skits. They minister to the patients in the children’s hospital at Christmas and take on “helping hands” projects for our Senior Adults. This is an awesome group of young people.

We are very proud of ALL of young people. They have a tremendous amount of love for the Lord and they show it. And, we at the Church of God of Prophecy, know how important it is that we train up our children in the way they should go.




NEW YEAR’S EVE: Each year we gather at the recreation center for delicious food, fun & games, and a time of fellowship. We have a great time together. A few minutes for before midnight, we gather together to “pray-in” the new year.

SUPER BOWL FELLOWSHIP: Each year we gather at the recreation center on Super Bowl Sunday to watch the game together and compete for prizes. Of course, we eat and have great fellowship. At half time, we have a devotion and prayer time.

SENIOR APPRECIATION BANQUET: We love and appreciate our Senior Adults very much. To show it, we throw a party just for them. They are treated to great food, a game or two, a time of remembrance for them to tell what they remember about their childhood and how things were years ago. We then have a message from a guest speaker. The 2007 theme was “Old Fashioned Day”. Some of our guests even dressed to fit the theme. It was great!

COMMUNITY EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE: Easter is a special time to celebrate Christ’s resurrection from dead after he was crucified to save us. The Hackleburg Ministerial Association organizes a community Sunrise service for Easter morning. We join with all participating local congregations to enjoy worship, special singing, and a sermon from a pastor of one of the participating churches. This is a special service that we are happy to be a part of.
MOTHER’S BANQUET: Our mothers are very special. Each year on the Saturday evening before Mother’s Day, our ladies (mothers, daughters, grand-mothers, etc.) have a banquet with great food, fun games, a guest speaker, and door prizes. We also honor one lady annually as “Mother of the Year”.

FATHER’S BANQUET: Our fathers are also very special. Each year on the Saturday morning before Father’s Day, our ladies treat all of the fathers & their sons to a breakfast fit for a king. We have a special guest speaker, games, prizes, and one father is named “Father of the Year”.

CHILDREN’S DAY: Our Children’s Ministries Department sponsors this annual event with a whole day of worship, an inspirational puppet show, a cook-out, making crafts, fun and games (inside and outside) including a giant water slide and moon bounce. This service is open to all children of the community, especially those who do not attend church elsewhere. This is an awesome day of ministry, and the kids have a ball! The children of this community are our future. If this time of fun can touch just one child, it is well worth the work that goes into it.

WOMEN’S CONVENTION: Each fall our Yahweh Sisterhood Women’s Ministry will present an entire day devoted to inspiring the women of our church, our community and other area churches with snacks, lunch, fun time, worship, up-lifting testimonies and messages from our special guest speaker.

FALL HAYRIDE & COOKOUT: We celebrate fall at the end of October with a cookout and hayride at the home of one of our members. We enjoy great food, lots of fun games, a devotion, and meaningful fellowship. We then go on a hayride through some very scary territory.

COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE: Each November our church joins with the other churches in the Hackleburg Ministerial Association for a Community Thanksgiving Service. This is a wonderful time for the people of our community to join together in one local church to share such a special time of year.

CHURCH CHRISTMAS BANQUET: Our Christmas banquet is for the entire church. We celebrate Christmas by remembering that Jesus is the reason for the season. We have wonderful food, games, presents for the kids, fellowship and a message from a guest speaker.

WOMEN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY: Our Ladies gather for lot’s of great food, fellowship, and a game of “Dirty Santa”. Don’t forget your boxing gloves and head gear for this one. We have a lot of fun.

MEN’S CHRISTMAS OUTING: Our men spend their time together for Christmas with a trip out to eat at a nice restaurant, bowling and then for donuts or ice cream.


Sunday Morning:
10:00 Sunday School Classes
10:50 Worship Service

Sunday Evening:
5:30 Worship Service

Each Sunday morning at 10:00 am, we gather by age groups for Sunday school class to study the word of God. Each class is led by a teacher and class participation is encouraged. Bible curriculum is used and available to each student.
Sunday mornings at 11:00 am and Sunday evenings at 5:30 pm, there will be a time of worship in song. Feel free to stand, kneel, dance and lift your hands as we express our worship to God using all of our heart, mind, soul and body. If you don’t know the songs, you will learn them.
At our morning and evening services, immediately following worship, our Pastor, Brian Sutton, begins a time of practical preaching from the Bible. You are encouraged to take notes.
Most Sundays, there will be people up front at the altar seeking God after the sermon. During services, there may be times when everyone is asked to stand or kneel and pray as a congregation for the needs of others. You are encouraged to participate!

Mondays (Bi-weekly) – 10:00 am – J.O.Y. Club:
Our Seniors (those Just Over Youth) meet at the church every other Monday at 10:00 am to send cards and notes to members of our congregation who are celebrating a birthday, or those who are sick or unable to be with us at our prior two weeks services.

Tuesdays (Weekly) at 6:30 pm – “Terrific Tuesdays of Prayer & Fasting”:
Members of our congregation and visitors who choose to join us fast one meal each Tuesday and pray for the Lord’s blessings on our church. We pray for the harvesting of souls as we try to fulfill the “Great Commission”. We are currently meeting at the church during this time to pray for our search for a new pastor.

Wednesday Evening:
6:15 Intercessory Prayer
7:00 - 8:00 pm - Adults – “Power Hour”
Youth – “Consumed” Bible Study
Pre-Teen – “Crossfire” Disciple Development classes
Children – Bible Memory Club
Each Wednesday evening at 6:15 pm, we gather to share and pray for each other’s needs and the needs of loved-ones and those in the community. Immediately following Intercessory Prayer, we divide into four categories. Our adults meet in the sanctuary for “Power Hour”. We are empowered by the word of God through teaching and open discussion of each week’s study. Our youth gather for a one-hour bible study while our children learn Bible verses through games, crafts, role-play, and more.


Each week, the members of our congregation come into God’s house to worship Him and to receive the blessings He has for us. We serve an awesome God. If you don’t know Him, we would love to introduce you. We will never try to force our God on you. But, we are sure that once you have come to know Him, you will love Him and want to serve Him, too.

You are always welcome to join us during services and gatherings. We would love to get to know you and for you to get to know us. If you don’t have a church family, you are welcome to join ours.

If you are looking for the perfect church with perfect people, this is the wrong place for you. But, if you’re looking for a Spirit-filled group of people committed to serving God and serving others the best they can, then maybe this is the right place for you! Pay us a visit. All it will cost is your time. But, think about what you could gain.



We Believe:

† In the verbal inspiration of the Bible.

† In one God eternally existing in three persons; namely, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

† That Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of the Father, conceived of the Holy Ghost, and born of the Virgin Mary. That Jesus was crucified, buried, and raised from the dead. That He ascended to heaven and is today at the right hand of the Father as the Intercessor.

† That all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and that repentance is commanded of God for all and necessary for forgiveness of sins.

† That justification, regeneration, and the new birth are wrought by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ.

† In sanctification subsequent to the new birth, through faith in the blood of Christ; through the Word, and by the Holy Ghost.

† Holiness to be God's standard of living for His people.

† In the baptism with the Holy Ghost subsequent to a clean heart.

† In speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance and that it is the initial evidence of the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

† In water baptism by immersion, and all who repent should be baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

† Divine healing is provided for all in the atonement.

† In the Lord's Supper and washing of the saints' feet.

† In the pre-millennial second coming of Jesus. First, to resurrect the righteous dead and to catch away the living saints to Him in the air. Second, to reign on the earth a thousand years.

† In the bodily resurrection; eternal life for the righteous, and eternal punishment for the wicked.